제목 : Abdominal imaging (으)로
학술지 : 2건, 학술지수록논문 : 961건이 검색되었습니다.
- Abdominal imaging
- Springer International
[ISSN : 0942-8925;1432-0509]
- 소장처 :
연세대학교 외국학술지지원센터(임상의학)
- Springer Science + Business Media
[ISSN : 2366-004X;2366-0058]
- 소장처 :
연세대학교 외국학술지지원센터(임상의학)
- MR–PET co-registration in upper abdominal imaging: quantitative comparison of two different T1-weighted gradient echo sequences: initial observations
- Ramalho, M.; AlObaidy, M.; Burke, L. M.; Dale, B.
(Abdominal imaging Vol.40 No.6,
- Percutaneous image-guided therapy of intra-abdominal malignancy: imaging evaluation of treatment response
- Thabet, A.; Kalva, S.; Gervais, D. A.
(Abdominal imaging Vol.34 No.5,
- Assessment of 70-keV virtual monoenergetic spectral images in abdominal CT imaging: A comparison study to conventional polychromatic 120-kVp images
- Rassouli, N.; Chalian, H.; Rajiah, P.; Dhanantwari
- Erratum to: Bland and tumor thrombi in abdominal malignancies: magnetic resonance imaging assessment in a large oncologic patient population
- Engelbrecht, M. R.; Akin, O.; Dixit, D.; Schwartz,
(Abdominal imaging Vol.35 No.3,
- Bland and tumor thrombi in abdominal malignancies: magnetic resonance imaging assessment in a large oncologic patient population
- Engelbrecht, M.; Akin, O.; Dixit, D.; Schwartz, L.
(Abdominal imaging Vol.36 No.1,
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